165 James Road
Danville, VA 24541
ph: 434-822-1400
As spring arrives we are all eager to get out and get our yard, flower beds, and landscaping cleaned up and ready for the growing season.
There are a few tasks that are so much easier to accomplish before new growth emerges and you risk damaging the new tender leaves.
Perennial & Shrub Beds
Other Spring Tasks
Trim out damaged wood from evergreens and thin out ornamentals…trees and shrubs while they are still dormant.
Spray all fruit trees and ornamental trees and shrubs with an all season oil to smother overwintering insects and eggs.
Now is the time to trim back crepe myrtles, vitex, anna belle hydrangeas, pee gee and tardiva hydrangeas. Wait for blooms on the old mophead varieties of hydrangea as they bloom on old wood.
Get you crab grass preventer down now before warm weather sets in… our area needs one more application in June to keep crabgrass from coming in late summer.
As weeds appear in your lawn, treat with a weed killer safe for your grass rather than letting them get the upper hand and go to seed.
Clean out bird houses and get them repaired and ready to welcome back the families of birds that nest in them!
Any further questions please contact us
Copyright 2010 Raywood Landscape Center. All rights reserved.
165 James Road
Danville, VA 24541
ph: 434-822-1400